Listening Series Session 2

On Wednesday, July 29 LPLC held the second session in the Creating Pathways to Learning for Everyone listening series. This series is being hosted and moderated by The Community Library of Ketchum, ID. During session two, Dr. Evelyn Johnson, CEO of Lee Pesky Learning Center, and moderator DeAnn Campbell, Children’s and Young Adult Director of…

Listening Series Session 1

On Tuesday, July 14 LPLC kicked off its Creating Pathways to Learning for Everyone listening series. This series is being hosted and moderated by The Community Library of Ketchum, ID. During session one, Dr. Evelyn Johnson, LPLC CEO, and Dr. Jenny Emery Davidson, Executive Director of The Community Library, laid out the current landscape of…

LPLC to Kick-off Listening Series on Learning Challenges and the Opportunity Gap

School closures have widened the already existing opportunity gap in education. If we do not address these inequities full-on, there will be lifelong consequences for children who struggle.  Forecasts based on historical data from summer loss and previous school closures during natural disasters like Hurricane Katrina suggest that students will return to school this fall at about 65%…