Reading is at the center of much research and legislation. Our research aims to provide small group interventions, called Literacy Pods, to assist students in developing their reading skills. Focused on intervention that utilizes the science of teaching reading, as well as evidence-based practices, our interventions have shown increases in students’ knowledge of phonemes, graphemes, and basic decoding. Further, our reading interventions partner with local school districts to provide summer-based and ongoing reading support.


In addition to providing focused reading intervention, we provide training to teachers. In an effort to meet recent legislation, we offer teachers with ongoing professional development focused on dyslexia and training to support teachers in learning evidence-based reading strategies.

Children Reading

Current Projects

Photo of three children working on a project

Every Child Ready to Learn Project

Our Every Child Ready to Learn project provides ongoing support to early care providers in Idaho who serve young children from low income backgrounds. Together, training specialists from LPLC work with early care providers to ensure that all children have access to high quality early learning experiences.

Explore Every Child Ready to Learn

LPLC Literacy Pods

LPLC delivers additional academic services to students who face obstacles to learning in whole group settings via our Lee Pesky Literacy Pods. The Literacy Pods program began in 2020, as a result of school closures due to the pandemic. Currently, the Literacy Pods program provides summer intensive literacy intervention for English learners and academic year after-school literacy intervention.

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Program Evaluation of LPLC Reading Intervention

At Lee Pesky Learning Center, we provide 1:1 intensive academic intervention in reading, writing, and mathematics. The table below illustrates the average gains made by 41 students who completed approximately 70-hours of intensive reading intervention over multiple months. Seventy-three percent of these students attended public school.

Effect Size Gains for Students in Reading Intervention

*Cohen’s d effect sizes are measures of practical significance as different from statistical significance and are reported in standard deviation units. The larger the effect size, the greater the real-world significance. In the graph above, “0” represents the 50th percentile (average) in a normally distributed group of same-age peers.
**Data pulled from 2017-2020.

spanish book


At LPLC, we are committed to creating resources in multiple languages, include a Spanish book entitled Teach Your Child to Read. Our resources, trainings, community events, and instruction are provided in multiple languages to meet the needs of all learners.